How To Make Your Hair Grow + 6 Hair Care Mistakes I Made In My Early 20s

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Your hair care regimen affects your hair growth. You must have heard and read ridiculous stories on how to make your hair grow. But no one tells you the little adjustments that cost little or no money to make your hair grow. I will be sharing six major hair mistakes I made in my early 20s and the changes I made to improve hair growth.

make your hair grow

1. Not Sleeping with a Satin/Silk Bonnet

I can’t preach this enough, ladies and gents, if you want your scalp and hair strands to retain moisture while you sleep, always wear a satin/silk hair bonnet or a silk scarf. In my early 20s, I often wear the traditional hair net that looks like a ‘fisherman’s net”. If you are in Nigeria, you will probably know the hair net. It has big holes that expose the hair to the cotton pillowcase, and in turn, prevented my hair from staying moisturized all night. This dryness led to hair breakage and stunted growth.

2. Infrequent and Improper Hair Moisturising:

In my early 20s, I didn’t care so much about hair moisturizing. To be honest, it was a once in 3 days affair. Hair moisturizing involves adding oil, or any conditioning cream to your scalp and hair strands. If you are applying the oil to just the hair strands like I used to, then, you are making a huge mistake. Also, I didn’t realize the importance of leave-in conditioning. If your hair is stubborn and difficult to comb out, I strongly suggest you add leave-in conditioning to your hair regimen because it will help prevent hair breakage. One more secret, ever since I started moisturizing my hair daily it has added a few inches, simply because the hair breakage has reduced tremendously.

3. Hair Trimming? No, please:

Trimming split ends after relaxing your hair is important, because it helps prevent hair thinning and unequal hair length. In the past, I felt not trimming split ends will encourage healthy hair growth. My assumptions were “as long as I moisturize and make my hair, I’m cool.” On the contrary, not trimming my hair led to unequal and unhealthy hair growth. Literally, my hair had serious inequality in length. Also, it wasn’t getting fuller, but thinner! 2 years ago, I was advised by a hair expert to consider trimming my hair at least twice a year, which I ended up doing. To be honest, this practice has promoted my hair growth.

4. Relaxing My Hair Every 2-3 months:

If you are someone that loves slaying their edges then you probably are on this boat. My fave hairstyle in my early 20s was the ‘ponytail.’ So every time I make this hair, I often relax my hair to achieve my ‘slayage.’ I didn’t know that I wasn’t giving room for my hair follicles to heal from the previous relaxing before applying another one. This led to stunted hair growth. Currently, I relax my hair once in 4 -5 months.

5. Washing My Hair Once in a Month:

The type of hairstyles we make oftentimes permit washing our hair once a month. This isn’t a good hair care practice because accumulated dandruff/dirt in your scalp within that period we carry those hairdos clogs the hair follicles, which prevents them from absorbing some hair nutrients for hair growth. Since the pandemic, I have incorporated washing my hair once in 2 weeks to achieve healthy hair growth.

6. Not Using Neutralizing Shampoos:

I remember buying everything and anything called shampoo. Don’t judge me. Some of these shampoos contain chemicals that are harmful to our hair. For example, if a shampoo contains alcohol, that shampoo is not ideal to be used on your hair because it will cause dry scalp. As time goes on, I started using neutralizing shampoos which help balance the natural PH of my hair, which in turn promote healthy hair.

Thank you for reading and sharing. If you are struggling with hair lice, this effective way shows how to get rid of lice.


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